WMI reset failed

Recently I have found myself in a position where I have needed to reset WMI to resolve various problems such as SCCM client failing to install/detect and disappearing cluster namespaces.  Generally resetting the WMI is a last resort and should only be tried when you have tried all other options. e.g. restart WMI service, restart server.

The command to reset the WMI repository must be run in an admin / elevated command prompt:

winmgmt /resetrepository

However sometimes this fails with this error:

C:\Users\adminuser>Winmgmt /resetrepository
WMI repository reset failed

Error code:     0x8007041B
Facility:       Win32
Description:    A stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are dependent on.

While it is possible to work around this by stopping the dependent services manually or even editing the registry so that nothing is dependent on this (as I have seen suggested else where) there is a much easier solution.

1. Launch an elevated (admin) powershell window.

2. Enter the following command.

Stop-Service winmgmt -Force; winmgmt /resetrepository

3. Restart the computer you just reset the WMI repository on.

Installing .NET 3.5 on Server 2012 and 2012 R2

.net 3.5 is still often required but the resources to install it are by default absent from the windows installation.  If you have internet connectivity this isn’t such an issue as the files are simply pulled down from microsoft but if you are performing an offline build or are in a dev/secure environment with no connectivity or heavily filtered it can be problematic.

Personally I find the fastest method is to mount/insert the 2012 installation media and install the feature with DISM.  Open an elevetates (run as admin) command window.

dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /all /Source:d:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

Simply change “d” to match the drive letter your install media is available at.

Dism install


If the GUI is more your sort of thing simply run the “Add roles and features” wizard and select the .NET 3.5

Click next and locate the “Specify and alternate source path” link at the bottom of the window.  Click this.


alternate source


In the window that loads type in the path to your side-by-side folder on the installation media.

alternate source window


Click on OK and on Install to start .NET 3.5 installing.

KDC Authentication problems with 2003 to 2008 domain functional level

Recently I have had problems connecting to the console on a number of 2008 R2 Hyper-v guest virtual machines.  The error was “An Authentication Error Has Occurred.  The Encryption Type Requested Is not supported by the KDC” while I have also had a single Exchange 2010 server fail with the following event IDs: 2102, 2103, 2114, 9106 all reporting LDAP problems, non-responding domain controllers and global catalogs:

Process MSEXCHANGEADTOPOLOGYSERVICE.EXE (PID=1696). Topology discovery failed, error 0×80040952 (LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR (Client-side internal error or bad LDAP message)). Look up the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) error code specified in the event description. To do this, use Microsoft Knowledge Base article 218185, “Microsoft LDAP Error Codes.” Use the information in that article to learn more about the cause and resolution to this error. Use the Ping or PathPing command-line tools to test network connectivity to local domain controllers.

Process STORE.EXE (PID=4084). All Global Catalog Servers in forest DC=xxx,DC=xx,DC=xx are not responding:

Process STORE.EXE (PID=4084). All Domain Controller Servers in use are not responding:

Attempting to open the Exchange management console on the local server console ended with a  HTTP server error status 500 and “Kerberos” authentication failed.

The Exchange server was able to ping and resolve all DNS names correctly and the problem went away on restarting only to re-occur in 24 hours or so.

The rather simple resolution in the end turned out to be restarting the “KERBEROS DISTRIBUTION KEY (KDC) service” on all Domain controllers.  While Restarting all Domain controllers in their entirety is also a good idea it isn’t always possible (or desirable) on a live production environment.